
Quality labelled

Trademarks serving to indicate the origin of a specific company and often ultimately also to characterize the quality of a good or service can represent a major corporate value. Securing trademark rights in a timely manner becomes all the more important to prevent subsequent imitations or confusingly similar allusions to the trademark already in advance of a successful product launch.
Certificate of RegistrationThe brand as a reference of identity & an attribute for quality

Creation of Trademarks

Once registered, trademarks require a certain level of maintenance. Not only are trademarks in numerous States still subject to a compulsory use three or five years after registration, and can then be cancelled in the event of nonuse, trademarks should also be protected against being diluted by more recent trademarks. To this end, it makes sense to set up collision monitoring systems, which can be used to sort out potentially diluting trademarks and then if neccessary fight them by way of appeal.

Fact box:

  • Graphically represented sign
  • Protection against identical or confusable similar signs
  • Accelerated registration possible
  • 10 years duration run from day of registration
  • Renewable any number of times

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